Ethics Statement
WAGS is a collector's club for those interested in cast iron and aluminum cookware. All those interested in becoming members need to read and abide by the WAGS Ethics Statement listed below. All members must abide by the Ethics Statement during their tenure as a member in the Society. The Ethics Statement is also available as a downloadable PDF file (click here). The WAGS FORUM guidelines can be found as a download HERE. Happy Hunting!!
The provisions of this Code of Ethics shall apply to all members of the Society. The Ethical Guidelines Section shall apply toapplicants as regards their conduct or treatment of any person prior to seeking membership in the Society. Accepting membership in the Society constitutes a tacit agreement to abide by the Code of Ethics. Violation of any guideline or ethical principal will result in censure, suspension or expulsion from the Society.
Members of the Society are obligated to conduct themselves in accordance with local, state and federal laws and regulations that relate to the purchase, sale or trade of cast cookware and related items. Society members are also expected to exercise common sense, courtesy, respect, fairness and integrity in their dealings with each other.
All interactions between members of the Society are to be conducted in accordance with the Code of Ethics. Violations of the Code of Ethics and/or the Constitution may result in loss of membership in the Society. Toward this end the following ethical guidelines are provided:
1. The privilege of membership in the Society and display of its logo carries with it the responsibility of maintaining and furthering the objectives of the Society. Unauthorized use of the Society name or logo for private gain is prohibited.
2. Members of the Society are responsible for the accurate description of all items offered for sale or trade. All defects shall be clearly noted and no item that is fake, reproduced, repaired or altered shall be offered for sale or trade unless such condition is clearly stated and made known to those whom the item is being offered.
3. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED shall be the order of business in all transactions between members. Members of the Society who have received an item for purchase or trade and deemed it to be unacceptable shall have the right of return for a full refund of the purchase price. The member need only notify the other party of their dissatisfaction within three (3) business days of the date such item was received.
4. Members of the Society are fully responsible for items they have received to be examined for possible purchase or trade. Should a transaction not be completed, the merchandise received must be returned to the owner in the same or better manner than it was originally shipped. To avoid misunderstandings, all packages must contain an itemized statement of their contents.
5. Members of the Society are required to fulfill any and all terms, oral or written, to purchase, sell or trade unless notice to the contrary is given to the other party within three (3) business days of the agreement.
Upon signing acceptance to the Society's By-laws and Code of Ethics, members will conduct themselves in a civil and professional manner consistent with the objectives of the Society. Members will refrain from overt actions that interfere with or adversely affect the Society functions or gatherings of Society members.
In addition to specific elected and/or assigned functions, as defined in the By-laws, all officers, directors and committee members will adhere to the Code of Ethics as described within this document. Executive Board members actions should be beyond reproach.
The Ethics Committee shall consist of three members selected from the membership at large and appointed by the President. One member will serve a one (l) year term, one member a two (2) year term and one member a three (3) year term. The member with the longest time served on the committee will be its Chairman. No member of the Board of Directors shall serve on the Ethics Committee.
It is the Society's wish that matters brought before the Ethics Committee can be speedily and voluntarily resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved. The Ethics Committee will handle all disputes impartially, fairly and with equal importance. Toward that end the following procedure is established:
1. All initial complaints and any subsequent communications concerning them must be made in writing to the Chairman of the Ethics Committee. The complaint must be accompanied by written proof that a valid attempt has been made to settle the disagreement before the Committee will accept the case.
2. The member complained against will be made fully aware in writing of the particulars of the complaint and given fourteen (14) business days from the date they receive such notification to provide a written response.
3. The Ethics Committee will then conduct an investigation of the complaint, evaluate the information gathered and make a reasonable attempt to negotiate an amicable resolution of the matter. If their effort should fail, the Committee will provide a written report of its findings to the Board of Directors.
4. Based on the findings of the Ethics Committee, the Board will determine, by a preponderance of the evidence, if the complaint is substantiated or not substantiated and impose appropriate corrective and/or disciplinary action as deemed necessary. Society members agree that the decision of the Board of Directors is final and binding.
5. All Society members are required to fully cooperate with the Ethics Committee in its investigations. Any member who fails to do so will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the Board of Directors. If a member who fails to cooperate is a principal in a complainant investigation, the Board will give great weight to that fact in its final decision.
6. It is not the function of the Ethics Committee to decide the authenticity of any item. If any dispute concerns the question of authenticity, the complainant must provide sufficient proof to the Ethics Committee that the item in question is not authentic and that such proof has been brought to the attention of the other party involved in the dispute.
7. No Ethics Committee member shall become involved in any case in which the slightest conflict of interest for that member may exist.
8. If at any point during the course of resolving a complaint the matter is brought to litigation, the grievance process will be tabled until such time as the litigation has been adjudicated.
Last edited -- Jan. 26, 2003