
If you have an upcoming auction and want to have it 'published' on our site, please contact US!
Outstanding Cast Iron Cookware Auction
Over 1000 Choice Lots
R.W. ‘Bud’ & Mary Jo Bergstrom
Friday & Saturday
Oct. 23-24 @ 9 AM
312 Clark St. * Ray Co. Veterans Bldg. *
(Preview: Thurs. * Oct. 22)
Richmond, MO
Fully Itemized Listing & All Photos will be on-line
Proxibid (www.proxibid.com/simmons) & AuctionZip #7237
Can’t Come? Bid Live Proxibid On-Line
Simmons & Co. Auctioneers, Inc
Mark your calendars! Details will follow once the listing is complete.
Saturday, September 27, 2014 at 10 am - Collection of Jim Kinnet. 312 Clark St. Ray Co. Veterans Bldg. Richmond, MO.
Tailgating & Preview: all day Fri, Sept 26 and Sat. morning
For more information go to Auction Zip. Go to this link for pictures and for the itemized lists
Saturday, March 30, 2013 at 10:00 AM - Lifetime collection of Arlo Chapman, et al - DAY TWO!!, St. Louis - Gateway Center, Collinsville, IL
Link to the pdf auction listing
Link to the online catalog (over 1600 photos)
Saturday, October 27, 2012 at 10:00 AM - Lifetime collection of Arlo Chapman et al - DAY ONE!! St. Louis - Gateway Center, Collinsville, IL
Click on this LINK for a PDF of the auction.